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Nikoleta Petković

  • non-formal education
  • alternative urbanisation
  • youth work
  • Type of expert


  • Age

    33 years

  • Country of residence


  • Languages

    English, Serbian

  • Gender


  • Availability


About me

For the last 5 years I have been actively involved with young Greens locally and internationally, firstly through Serbian Green Youth and later through my engagement in Cooperation and Development Network Eastern Europe (CDN). At the moment I am working as a Network Coordinator in CDN, steering the development of the youth Green movement in Eastern Europe, by supporting the work of the Executive Committee and Member Organisations. I am experienced in organising and facilitating youth events that are rooted in peer to peer learning and non-formal education. Working for CDN keeps me quite informed on developments in the (youth) Green movement in Eastern Europe as well as of the overall political landscape of the region.

My interests and research areas lay at the intersection of spatial justice, feminism and commons. I am also part of Platform for theory and practice of commons Zajednič

My skills

  • Project Management
  • Non-formal Education methodology

Why you should work with me

Working with young people demands a constant search for fresh, inclusive and adequate methods and approaches.

When it comes to inclusion, this is something that I find quite important in my work as a youth worker. One must pay attention to the set-up of a group, define the common rules with participants, have a select team/person that monitors the well-being of the group and individuals, have reflection groups throughout, asking people for their preferred pronouns and ensuring that participants have the support they need may it be translation or other support. All of these aspects are integrated into parts of the events we organise in CDN. I find moderated discussion and diversity in methodologies also quite important for keeping gender balance, giving everyone space to contribute to the group learning as well as to get the best learning experience for themselves.

Furthermore, I believe a facilitator's role is to observe group dynamics and work on lowering other, often non-visible exclusions related to experience, age, or cultural background differences.

As for the impact of the events, I think that it is crucial to provide space for fresh ideas as well as discuss concrete tools and mechanisms related to working towards those ideas. For an event to be impactful, participants have to feel the relevance of what is discussed, get examples that are close to them and get a bit of inspiration to continue working on the matter. Discussing further dissemination of knowledge and ideas with participants, envisioning follow ups and catch up meetings with participants after a while are also good methods for organising impactful events.

My work experiences

Network Coordinator at Cooperation and Development Network Eastern Europe (2019 - )

Secretary of Serbian Green Youth (2017 - 2019)

My education & training

University of Belgrade - Bachelor in landscape architecture (2009 - 2014)

Commons Studies organised by Platform for theory and practice of commons Zajednič (2018 - 2919)

My references

Cooperation and Development Network Eastern Europe

Serbian Green Youth

Platform for Theory and Practice of Commons Zajednič