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Julien Bacus

  • communication
  • Human Rights
  • animal rights
  • Agriculture
  • Graphic design
  • advocacy
  • campaign
  • education
  • Type of expert


  • Age

    37 years

  • Country of residence


  • Languages

    English, French

  • Gender


  • Availability


About me

Pragmatism and efficiency, with a strong ethical commitment. I have 10 years of multidisciplinary experience, working for the private sector, institutions and NGOs on communication projects and digital campaigns.

My practice has led me to interact with various experts in many fields. I am dedicated to finding more efficient solutions and translating information in the best aesthetic and discursive way in order to make the message audible and understandable for the recipient.

For six years, I have worked for Greens/EFA MEPs on communication projects. I'm deeply concerned by environmental issues, political approaches and citizenship actions. Initially trained in graphic design and communication, I pursued my reflections with a Master's degree in ethics (applied philosophy). I explored approaches on how to consider nature and interactions, as well as building diplomatic approaches.

The heart of my work focuses on identifying the stakes and values of the structures, building relevant recommendations and questioning the ethical aspects of problems. I also use these analyses to create efficient communication and pedagogical tools.

I am continuously reducing the environmental footprint in my work methodology, as well as in the solutions I propose and develop.

My skills

  • I have a dual aesthetic and discursive approach with a philosophical reflection about communication and the way societies interact with nature.
  • With my skills in new technologies, I lead teams to produce efficient communication and pedagogical tools. As I reflect on the substance of the communication tool, I propose adaptations for a better understanding: What does an image say? How far can it replace words? Which words are best to represent the values and objectives of the structure? Are we sure the recipient gives the same meaning to these words? What could we do? These are questions I raise during the process and search with the organisation to find the best pragmatic answers.
  • As an ethicist, I am concerned about the ethical aspects of problems. Answers to global issues raise never previously seen problems. Strong ethical questioning helps to establish rational solutions, balancing the structural and overall view of the situations and stakes.

Why you should work with me

I consider it is important to identify and make the difference between values, facts and rational justifications. In political fields, there is a trend to capture the facts and mix them with the organisation’s values. Of course, it is important to clearly communicate and put these values as a banner. But this is also a major problem when trying to convince new citizens or reluctant stakeholders, because we have to address the problems together when we are not necessarily convinced by the same values.

Obviously, we cannot ask people to embrace the same values if they don't want to, but we can work together to find solutions and build bridges. Having a rational approach provides justifications about why the values are in balance with these facts and why it is important to consider them to solve the problems.

By considering these arguments, it is possible to have a more pedagogical and diplomatic approach to raise consensus and find solutions. Usually, stakeholders around the table keep to their values and viewpoint on a problem. Even in the same team, working on a single project for example, the problem is the same.

A diplomatic and rational approach leads stakeholders to explain how they consider values in the problems and why they find them important. Here, we can begin to build solutions. I use this approach when leading meetings, creating communication tools, as well as when doing ethical research. Although various experts have their own viewpoint on the problem, usually linked to their expertise, they usually have their own subjective feelings about it, too, which cannot be ignored but must be rationalised to give it the right weight in the reflection.

This is particularly important for the Greens, who have strong values and ethical commitment, but are still considered by some citizens in the framework of old ‘clichés’. Rationalisation, diplomatic and pedagogical approaches do not lower values: they are inclusive and help to raise consensus, strengthening values at the end of the process.

My work experiences

  • 2020: ethical research into European regulations on invasive alien species (IAS) for Bruxelles Environnement
  • 2011-2018: six years as communication and project manager for Greens MEPs (publications, communication tools, digital media coverage, online solutions), including two years as media/communication manager and one year as web documentary producer/co-director
  • 2011-to present day: freelancer in communication, copywriting, graphic design, digital media, cross-media campaigns
  • 2012-2013: independent director producing pedagogical 3D animation ‘The Paradox of Hunger in the World’, in collaboration with the NGO SOS Faim (FR and EN versions)
  • 2016-2018: development of an evening art school as co-manager and communication manager (budgeting, team leading, marketing campaigns, development of new services and collaboration, creation of a theatre festival)

2007-2013: project manager and team leader on 3D visualisation projects (events, architecture and urban planning).

My education & training

  • Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB): Master’s degree in Ethics (Applied Philosophy), with a specialisation in environment and development. Thesis: ‘Wild agriculture and permaculture: from a plant ethics to a practice of symbiosis’. It questions new ways to think and interact with nature, the cross-approach of environmental ethics, plant ethics and the practices and philosophy of wild agriculture and permaculture
  • Additional research in care ethics, human rights, animal rights, food sovereignty, sustainability, global issues, environment
  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Graphics at the Haute École Albert Jacquard (HEAJ), Belgium

My references

Freelance portfolio;  web documentary ‘Dans les pas d’un eurodéputé’; pedagogical animation film ‘The paradox of hunger in the world’ (EN): ‘Le paradoxe de la faim dans le monde’ (FR), included in the ‘Right to food’, CNCD-11.11.11 educational kit, August 2013.